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To volunteer for the Grey Bruce Seed Project please email
Ontario Flora began the Grey Bruce Seed Mix Project first started as a social enterprise in 2019. In 2023, we decided to work the project as a ‘not for profit’. We are currently in production for a variety of seed mixes, but they are currently not ready for sale.
The mixes will be made from local Grey – Bruce collected seeds, sustainably grown as per SER Ontario Grower’s Guidelines. Profits from the seed mixes will go back into running the project and to restoration initiatives in the Grey Bruce area.
Check back for more information. Future links to the Grey Bruce Seed Project’s vision statement, will appear here.
Email for more information on how to contribute funds immediately.
To volunteer for this Grey Bruce Seed Project please email
Email for more information on how to contribute funds immediately.
To volunteer for the Grey Bruce Seed Project please email